Monday, November 20, 2017

All About Planes website

All About Planes, is a website that shows all of the different type of plane in the world and shows the similarities and differences of these planes. I plan on using Dreamweaver as well as Photoshop to create the site. Photoshop will be used to create the unique designs and Dreamweaver will be used to make each of the sites accessible by making the links. 

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Art Competition

The design competition I chose is from Dexigner.

The event is called Autodesk Announces Call for Submissions for 2018 VFX and Games Reels. The due date for this competition was Sep 28, 2017 10:17 pm.

The concept of this art is to create very detailed pieces of motor racing.

The Adobe applications I will use are Photoshop and Illustrator. I will also use Autodesk software
to make it look more realistic and it is also part of the contest guidelines.

Here is the direct link to the site.

Here are the sketches I did.

Here is what I was able to do on Photoshop. When I when to the website for the other software, there was an entire list of programs to choose from and I couldn't find the one I needed.

All About Planes website

All About Planes, is a website that shows all of the different type of plane in the world and shows the similarities and differences o...